Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sadness, Fear, Regret, LOVE...

My Significant Other,

I am sad whenever we argue. It hurts to feel your doubts and mistrust. I am sad whenever we disagree. It hurts when you keep misunderstanding me. I am sad when you are unhappy with me. I am sad when you are frustrated and disappointed with me. It hurts when you are not excited to see me. I am sad when sometimes I feel like you wouldn't even notice if I wasn't here. It hurts when I feel like you don't care.

I am afraid that you don't care. I am afraid you don't even know why I'm upset. I am afraid we are drifting further apart. I am afraid if I can't do anything about it. I am afraid that I am boring to you. I am afraid of making mistakes. I am afraid I can't do what I want without upsetting you. I am afraid of looking incompetent. I am afraid you don't appreciate me. I am afraid I can't make you happy. I am afraid I am not good enough.

I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry that I became so cold. I am sorry for being so resistant to your ideas. I am sorry for making your feelings wrong. I am sorry that I judged you. I am sorry that I can't stay calm whenever we talk. I feel so embarrassed for being so emotional. I am sorry that I am not more accepting. I am ashamed that I am not more loving. You don't deserve to be treated that way.

I want you to be happy. I want to work this out. I want to support you like you always have. I understand that you're upset. I know that you're not just trying to make me feel bad. I know that you really do care. Forgive me for being so indifferent. Forgive me for being so invalidating of your feelings. I want to be your hero and I want you to admire me for being who I am. I understand you are doing your best. I know that you love me, and I want to love you back in many more loving ways...

with love,
Your Other Half


  1. *speechless* and the answer is, i heart u.


  2. guys.. get a room! (nada jelous hahaha)
    teng: it's the sweetest love letter i've ever read... darn it...

  3. beda: heart u lots n lots.
    falliq: hehehe.jiwang kn aku?

  4. When u love some one u care for them and accept how u both are...
    Love should be easy not endless pain, suffer and tears we try our best but in the front there should be the person that deserves that...
    We can't love without mistakes or without pain but the support and care will lead us to the way
    Hope both of u understand it's all about how u both communicate

  5. It's wonderful. It truly is. Adeb, you're very lucky to have someone like Tajuzzaman to love you dearly. May God bless the two of you until the end.

  6. ME: it took me almost a year to understand and to see what we have built shattered just in a split second. and it took me months to comment back to this post. all i can say is, thank you for your words of wisdom.

    hafez: terima kasih tak terhingga for that doa and up until now, i still hope that both of us are going to made it till the end. pray for us both. insyaAllah, amin.
